Kawasaki ZX-10R back on track


Seems the ZX-10R’s problem was all in its head.

Kawasaki’s ZX-10R was placed on a technical hold earlier this month.

Speculation ran amok as to what the problem could be, some claiming engines needed replacing.

Kawasaki Motors Corp. U.S.A announced yesterday that the problem has been identified as a surging of the intake valve springs
under racetrack conditions, which could cause improper seating of the
valves and subsequent poor engine performance.

To remedy the problem, the intake camshaft, valve springs and spring retainers will be replaced.

ZX-10R sales are expected to resume in January.


  1. “…identified as a surging of the intake valve springs under racetrack conditions, which could cause improper seating of the valves…”

    Commonly known as valve float.

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