Arnold to review noise bill


Schwarzenegger could terminate excessive motorcycle noise.

The state Senate in California voted on Monday to pass a
motorcycle noise bill that will affect bikes made after 2012.

Senators voted 21-16 for bill SB435, which says that
motorcycles made after Jan. 1, 2013, must meet federal noise emission standards
and must bear a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency label.

The bill has been met with opposition, but the claim that
many aftermarket exhaust systems meet noise standards but don’t have an EPA
label seems to have fallen on deafened ears.

Opponents of the bill say motorcyclists who don’t make
excessive noise could still be fined for not having the label on their bikes.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is a motorcyclist, will now
review the bill.


  1. This bill is clearly discriminatory. If you have a F150, are you forced to replace the muffler with a Ford OE? Then again, nothing is too anal for California.

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