From exploding food to "armatures" on the street, CMG’s call for questions to stuntmeister Jason Britton has been answered, and we thank you.
However, only 10 people can win free tickets, and if you subtract the cute girl next door to CMG News Editor Thornton and the guy who fixes Rob’s bike, that only leaves three or four — no, we’re kidding. She’s not that cute, and Rob’s bike is beyond fixing.
To the matter at hand: we asked readers to submit questions to be asked in a CMG interview with Jason Britton, whose TV show "Superbikes!" has made him an icon in the world of stunt riding.
Editor Thornton has picked a top ten suggestions and in return for your considerations, we are handing out 10 free pairs of tickets to the MMIC Toronto Motorcycle Show (Dec. 12-14).
Here are the winning questions and their authors:
1) Could you tell us one of your most embarrassing moments while riding? (Byron Chan)
2) What modifications are done to your stunt bikes to prevent the engines being destroyed when stood up on their back wheels for extended periods? (Jim Sinclair)
3) If you could have any motor configuration for stunting, what would it be? (Jay Spare)
4) Was your change last season from Aprilla to Kawasaki for your stunt bike of choice due just to a sponsorship change or did you feel the Kawi offered better power delivery or flexibility for your stunting style? (Ivan Nichols)
5) What is your best advice on how to start learning how to wheelie my bike in a safe manner? (Beulah Turner)
6) Who was the rider who most influenced you in your career? (Larry Maltby)
7) When did this stunt riding thing begin? (Robb Cooper)
8) Is the ease of putting personal videos on sites like You Tube causing more amateurs to try extreme stunts? (Ian Macdonald)
9) Why are governments not more open to free stunting areas where safe, secure and legal stunting can take place? (Neil Strowbridge)
10) What is next for Jason B.? (Rui Pita)
And here are the runners up (who sadly are not getting any tickets for their troubles):
What kind of meals have you cooked that have either exploded in your face like a stunt gone wrong, or tasted like perfection like the way you ride? (Byron Chan — you can only win once, Byron, but you have a future in Embarrassment Journalism)
What has the input been like from the non-riding public with regards to stunt riding and "armatures" taking it to the streets? (Kevin Jennings)
Editor ‘arris will apply the top 10 questions in our upcoming interview with Britton at the Toronto show and let you have the full story just as soon as we can. In the meantime, we’ll be contacting winners by e-mail to let them know how to pick up their free tickets.
Robb Cooper – good grief !
You and Jim Arnold were tow of the fastest 250 GP riders of the day.
Good to know you’re still hangin’ tough !
Actually, now that I think about it, that’s a pretty Mickey Mouse question !
Yes it is that Robb Cooper. Thanks for the compliment Bondo.
Question 7 wasn’t submitted by Robb Cooper the former CMA Pro roadracing star of the 1970s, was it?