Photos: Mark Richardson
Polaris has updated its Slingshot three-wheeler with an improved infotainment system, including updated mobile device connectivity options.
It’s not earth-shattering stuff; the update allows Polaris owners to keep on tap of vehicle maintenance data via mobile app, as well as map a GPS route on desktop and wireless transfer it to the vehicle by Bluetooth.
Full details on the upgrades in the Polaris press release below.

New Ride Command Software & Mobile App Allows
Remote Accessibility, Online Route Planning
LOS ANGELES (November 29, 2018) – Polaris Slingshot, the three-wheeled, open-air roadster which promises to deliver the most fun on the road, announced today at the Los Angeles Auto Show an all-new software update and mobile app for the vehicle’s industry-leading Ride Command infotainment system. The enhancements allow drivers to remotely access key vehicle data with an all-new Slingshot Ride Command mobile app and conveniently plan ride routes ahead of time via a desktop platform.
Slingshot models featuring the seven-inch multi-touch Ride Command infotainment system will pair with a Slingshot Ride Command mobile app and allow riders to view vehicle data, check service recommendations and log maintenance from the convenience of their mobile device. Drivers can also plan a ride route online at and wirelessly transfer the route to the Slingshot’s navigation system via Bluetooth®. Slingshot’s Ride Command updates are available to current Slingshot owners with Ride Command as part of a software update, which can be downloaded at The Ride Command App is available in the Apple Store and on Google Play.
“The new Ride Command updates not only make it easier and more convenient for our owners to manage vehicle maintance and plan rides, but the new mobile app allows our owners to share their drives to Facebook and further connect with the Slingshot community,” said Josh Fulkerson, Slingshot Sr. Director. “We have a passionate group of Slingshot owners, and we’re extremely excited to utilize these technologies and deliver a convenient means to sharing and engaging with friends, family and fellow Slingshot owners.”
The industry-leading seven-inch, multi-touch Ride Command system comes standard in three 2019 models, including the SL, SLR, and Grand Touring. The infotainment system is equipped with convenient features such as mobile phone integration, Bluetooth and USB connectivity, and customizable vehicle information screens. Additionally, Ride Command offers GPS with turn-by-turn navigation in the SLR and Grand Touring models as standard equipment and can be added as an accessory upgrade to the SL. Slingshot S owners can add Ride Command to their vehicle from the Slingshot accessorie catalogue.
Each Slingshot model packs a GM Ecotec 2.4L DOHC four-cylinder engine that delivers 173 horsepower by way of a five-speed manual transmission. With four models, the S, SL, SLR and Grand Touring, Slingshot’s 2019 lineup offers a variety of fit and finish options at a price point that ranges from $19,999 to $29,499. Drivers can further personalize and customize their Slingshot with dozens of Slingshot Engineered Accessories, including premium 200-watt Rockford Fosgate audio kit, 10-way adjustable BILSTEIN shocks, quilted comfort seats or add custom style and comfort with a color-matched Slingshade top.

Polaris CFO Mike Speetzen – “Slingshot. Anticipated automatic transmission model will be key to Slingshot’s viability.”
Motodender is the range of characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between, car and motorcycle Depending on the context, these characteristics may include number of wheels (i.e., the state of being, car or an intervehicle variation), moto-based social structures (i.e., motodender roles), or moto identity. Traditionally, vehicles who identify as car or motorcycle or use two wheel or four wheel moto pronouns are using a system of motodender binary whereas those who exist outside these groups fall under the umbrella terms non-binary or motoqueer. Some cultures have specific motodender roles that are distinct from car and “motorcycle,” such as the slingshot of Polaris. These are often referred to as third wheelers.
It has a steering wheel and sit-in seats. It is a 3-wheeled car. Why is this here ?
You don’t like the articles. You don’t like the writers. You think everything is rubbish. Why are you here?
I appear to have ruffled your feathers, for that I remain unapologetic.
I like some articles, I like some writers and I never for an instant suggested everything is rubbish.
That’s enough of a reason for me to pop in once and a while for a read, support the site and perhaps patronize the advertisers.
If you don’t take kindly to my being here, please delete my comments.
Simple, isn’t it ?
Aw, sweetheart. I wouldn’t delete your comments because honestly, they’re more a reflection of you than CMG. I don’t work here anymore, though, so that’s a moot point.
You haven’t ruffled my feathers. I am merely bemused. Your bitter, antagonistic comments are incongruous with your constant presence. You’re like the stalker who says “I hate that woman!” but still drives past her house everyday. Actually, is that how you act in real life? I wouldn’t be surprised! I do hope you’re having a wonderful time of things though. Love, Jacob.
Please see Editor Mark’s intelligent, well written reply in today’s editorial to my initial question.
-Scott (TK4) McKay
You call me sweetheart, and sent me your love – but I’m just not feeling it.
Best of luck in your future endeavours (sarcasm font) !
Play nice.
I’m done now.
No sarcasm from me bud, I hope you’re living your best life and enjoying your world. Take care now.