Hey everybody – it’s Canada Day. Get off your computer and take your bike for a ride!
Since it’s a holiday, there won’t be any news today – we ride too, you know – but it will be business as usual again on Wednesday. But first, an important message from the CMG department of irate editors …
CMG NEWSLETTER – Have you re-subscribed?
Canada’s new Anti-Spam rules take effect today and we need to reconfirm that you have indeed opted in to receive our newsletter – if not please click here to go to the sign up page for our daily and weekly newsletters.
Although we hate spam (especially Editor ‘Arris, he’s a vegetarian you know), we need to ensure CMG is on the right side of the law (this time at least). Which is all a bit annoying as  our current subscriber list has been built up over the years from opt-in only readers, we just can’t prove it because until now, there was no requirement to do so. Sigh.
By re-subscribing you’ll be rewarded with our honest reviews, interesting motorcycle stuff and our standard tongue in cheek (or foot in mouth) style. As a bonus, if you sign up now you’ll be entered for a chance to win 21 virgins in heaven*.
And if we haven’t said it lately, we’re glad you visit us – you make our day, whack open our week, motofy our month and flip the finger in our annus  mirabilis (double n, look it up).
* No purchase necessary, odds range between zero in 100 (atheists) to 1 in 10 (religious types of the right persuasion). Virgins may be unattractive and of a nerdy disposition.