Video: Yamaha builds the Tricity


Last week, we showed you a mysterious marketing video from Yamaha, which seemed to indicate a new step-through and sportbike were coming soon.

A few days later, we don’t have much in the way of concrete information; the clever chaps at Asphalt and Rubber did a bit of digging into Yamaha’s website coding and seemed to find information showing the company was about to unveil the long-awaited R25 sportbike and three-wheeled Tricity scooter. Read about that here.

Now, we haven’t seen anything about the R25 yet, but we do have another strange YouTube clip from Yamaha promoting the Tricity, which is apparently coming to the streets with pretty much the same specs as the concept version, with three-wheeled leaning capability, CVT and a 125 cc liquid-cooled motor. It was unveiled yesterday in Bangkok, and it seems destined for the European and Asian markets – no word yet on North America.

Instead of your standard marketing video which tends to play on trite themes of freedom, open roads and sticking it to The Man, this video takes it a bit further, with a weird fictional plot of an engineering type who quits his job, only to be hussled off in a Matrix-style kidnapping. Then, he joins a secret unit of elite motorcycle designers; by the end of the clip, an android co-worker is falling in love with him, just like something out of Blade Runner. No, I am not making this up. See for yourself below.


  1. I think Nick has been spending too much time with the anatomically correct robot… Seriously though, the price point is a bit too close to a car, and the uh bike/ trike is a bit too wide to split lanes in Bangkok.

  2. Told you it was the Tricity , doubt it will make it to north America sadly. As for the R25 – R3 there is still an empty coming soon space in the product section of the rev website.

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