CMG’s all-new Discover Your Roads!

The road heading in and out of Parrsboro is a twisty stretch of asphalt that skirts the coastline and takes you through small-town Nova Scotia. Photo: Rob Harris
DYRs are now digitized!
DYRs are now digitized!

You may remember the old format of DYRs put together by the magnificent Ed White and based on various CMG reader contributions. They came with the cutting edge of the day – PDF maps, but have long been due for a technological makeover.

Well, that day has finally arrived and the new DYR section is fully technologized with ground breaking database technology and clicky bits.

The new DYR homepage gives you a list of all the current trips we have on offer. Don’t panic, this is an initial listing of what we got and we will be adding to it as the months and years progress but as we are already well into the 2013 riding season, we thought we’d better pull our collective fingers out and get it launched.

But I digress, you can either scroll down the list and pick a route to discover or click on the Filter DYR button at the top to narrow them down by Province/State, distance or type (A2B being a route between two locations and a Loop being a day’s ride to and from the same place).

Of course, right now there aren’t a whole load of routes in there, so you can probably just scroll through them, but the more observant amoungst you may have noticed that they start at Port Perry, just east of the GTA, and meander their way eastwards through Quebec and into the Maritimes.

That is not mere coincidence my fine feathered friend, no, that is the genius of CMG. Each of the current DYRs can be put together back to back to make one hell of a route from close to the GTA all the way to the magnificent island of Cape Breton. Brilliant!

But before the applause dies down, don’t forget the Loops which to date is a mere one, starting and ending in Renfrew Ontario and taking you on a day’s ride around the magnificent Calabogie region of Eastern Ontario. What more do you want?

What’s that? A scalable  map with the route and attractions? Downloadable GPX and KML formats so that you can load the route on a GPS or into Google Maps to adapt to your specific needs? A printable map and and printable information on the route itself? You got it all.

BTW, did I mention that the map shows the main route in dark grey, optional detours in red and access to points of interest in green? Done.

Of course, hard as it is to admit, we’re not the be all and end all when it comes to recommended routes, so if you have anything that you’d like to add to an existing DYR or have a DYR of your own that you’d like to share, we have a contact us link at the bottom of each DYR page so you can let us know what you think! We’ll also get more DYRs we’re currently working on finished and posted as fast as is humanly possible, if not faster.

So what are you waiting for? Get our there and ride!

Check out CMG’s Discover Your Routes.


  1. Ditto on the Pennsylvania tours, and also the eastern Ontario maps. I’ve used those in the past and they were very helpful in finding the good roads. Are the old versions of those still available at all?

      • Talk to Larry, Shakin’ or my fine self to properly get out of Port.

        A trip along the eastern side of Algonquin is rather nice, too. 😉

        • I was just on the west side of the park a few days ago. Hwy 60 and 35 are good but busy with tourists. The Dorset Fire Tower is a must see. Saw many sporty type bikes which is different from the 90% cruiser ratio in Southern Ontario.

          • Yeah. That is a nice route, but like you said, traffic is a pill.
            Even mid-week, it is annoying. The only people in a mood
            to get their arses in gear are riding service trucks.

          • I always found that 35 and 60 are best done as close to sunrise as possible. Try leaving Lindsay northbound ~4-ish and it makes a huge difference. Just keep an eye peeled for deer. There used to be a decent place to stop for breakfast in Carnarvon where 35 meets 118. Don’t know whether it’s still there anymore.

  2. You have mail! Sorry; could not shut up about BBD’s
    Kawartha area routes to Renfrew.

    Mostly the Port Perry area.

    Start in Manchester (west end of Port at 7/12 and 7A).
    Country Style or Haugen’s. Great coffee and breakfasts.

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