The 2011 Mad Bastard Scooter Rally video is done and posted on You Tube. Participants can relive the horror of up to 24 hours in the saddle while the sane can chuckle, point and laugh at other people’s misfortune from the comfort of their armchairs.
Enjoy the madness (and get ready for June 2013)! Oh and don’t forget to set res to 720p HD and click full screen!
Great video. Even better rally. Despite the weather it was still a blast. I posted some more pictures and impressions here: You aren’t hardcore until you’ve tried this once. If you survive, you’re mad, and if you come back for seconds… Well… I just don’t know.
wow!! that was pure awesomeness +1!!
bring on 2013.. can’t wait!
Thanks for great Vid Sarah!
Fantastic video, great event  – I am SO there in 2013 !
The ‘Marvin’ helmet looks better on you Rob than it ever did on me !