Friday Fudge

fudge_feature-imageWelcome to Friday Fudge. If it’s weird, funny, or strange motorcycle news, or it just plain won’t fit anywhere else on the site – you’ll find it here.

Wheelie big trouble

Here’s what happens if your pillion isn’t expecting you to crank on the gas. Kevlar underwear never seemed like a better idea.

Death by donkey

Sure, he looks friendly - but beware!
Sure, he looks friendly – but beware!

Farm animals can be dangerous to motorcyclists – ask any rider who’s come across an escaped cow in the middle of their lane while out for a ride. But things can get worse than that – much, much worse.

A Hungarian man found this out the hard way recently, when out for a ride in the country. The retired firefighter came across some donkeys; what exactly transpired next, we don’t know, but the end result was that the animals ripped the poor fellow to shreds with their teeth, and left him dead roadside.

At least, that’s how the tabloids over there tell it.

The donkeys are under veterinary scrutiny, but investigators have been told the animals are normally very peaceful and quiet. Nobody knows what sparked the outrage, although it’s been said the rider was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. That’s putting it mildly.

Story source: Pestiside

More big trouble

Sturgis: The very mention of the iconic biker party conjures images of a town descending into an alcohol-fuelled binge. Very few riders, we expect, are close to full operating capacity during the famous rally – which would explain why each year, the musical headliners are famous butt rock has-beens.

All that booze could make things interesting this year, as organizers have proclaimed Wednesday, August 7 “Daredevil Wednesday.” The day is going to be filled with all sorts of mad stunts – we’re talking jumps, fire rides, wheelie drag racing and the like.

Throw in a lot of Dutch courage on top of that, and you’ve got to ask yourself – what could possibly go wrong?

More madness from the farm

Just the thing for impressing chicks in Beijing. Photo:
Just the thing for impressing chicks in Beijing. Photo:

What’s a Chinese farmboy to do if the Communist government won’t give him enough dough to buy a motorcycle? The answer, apparently, is to turn your tractor into a two-wheeler – see photo.

All we know about this machine is that it seats six … we don’t know if that’s cows or people, though. But we bet he steers clear of donkeys.

Story source:

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