Norton passes emissions testing

Norton may be selling their Commando 961 in Canada soon; it has passed the U.S. government testing that Canadian officials use as guidelines.
Norton may be selling their Commando 961 in Canada soon; it has passed the U.S. government testing that Canadian officials use as guidelines.

Re-born British motorcycle manufacturer Norton has passed a major hurdle in their quest to have their bikes sold in North America.

According to company officials, the new Norton Commando 961 passed NHTSA, EPA and CARB testing; now that the U.S. government watchdogs have proclaimed the bike safe and environmentally friendly, Norton management says, the bikes should be available for sale in the States soon. Theoretically, we’ll also see them in Canada soon.

Unless, of course, Norton’s plagued by the same issues in North America as they’ve encountered in the U.K.; while some press outlets have been quick to praise the company’s efforts to re-enter the market, there have also been reports of supply issues. There have even been customers claiming to have paid for bikes, but not receiving them.

It’s certainly been a long wait for these bikes, ever since Kenny Dreer first unveiled his new Commando prototype in the mid-2000s. Since then, the company has been sold to U.K. owners, and it looks as if the re-launched marque will truly be a Brit bike again – although, some anxious fanboys may be running out of patience, and thinking about other ways to spend their savings.


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