CMG Makeover

We like it (obviously) but please let us know what you think.

Well hopefully you’ve noticed that the main CMG site has just had a makeover.

The initial reasoning was to be able to switch Content Management Systems (RIP Joomla) but it’s also the foundation for a whole new website that we’re working on with the aim to launch in the spring.

For now though we hope you like the new site and w’d like to hear from you on your thoughts and any things that you’d like to see tweaked. Don’t be shy, just add your comment at this end of this item or feel free to do so in the Soapbox if you prefer.

We’re pretty happy with where we’re at and excited to see where we’re going. After all, if we expect to remain Canada’s largest motorcycle magazine, then we’d better put the work in to keep setting the standards!


  1. I like it very much!  I’m in The Olde South (NC-USA), but use your site almost daily to see what’s new and exciting.  You, my northern brothers, enjoy some bikes we can’t get down here!  Please keep up the excellent work!!!!

  2. Get rid of the large pop-up add that I have to close every time I open a new page or it’s the last support money you will see from me.

  3. The page looks cleaner seems brighter.

    My iPhone picks it up in a single column but with full content with pictures (that apps do not always do).

    I would prefer if the news feed was back on the left side at the top.  When visiting the page, that is the content that changes the most but now you have to scroll to see if anything is new.

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