Welcome to Friday Fudge – a weekly round up of the more ‘unusual’ motorcycle related stories that are just too silly to post on their own, but raise a much bigger chortle when you slap them all together and take the piss.
Photographer 1, bicyclist 0
It’s happened again – a motorcycle-riding press photographer has knocked down a Tour de France rider.
We’ve reported on motorcycles interfering in bicycle races before, but as screw-ups go, this is a big one. Apparently some unobservant biker took out Danish racer Nicki Sorensen with his motorcycle – and then proceeded to continue riding along, snapping shots, unaware that he was dragging Sorenson’s bicycle.
Luckily for him, Sorenson fell onto the grass and avoided injury, while the motorcycle rider – appropriately – was canned for his ineptitude. It doesn’t appear that his passenger even got any photos of the crash they caused.
Here’s a video of the accident. You’ll have to be multilingual to translate the commentary, though.
Source: Bikes in the Fast Lane
Were there skid marks at the scene?

Has the hot summer weather left you looking for relief? Plenty of bikers hit the road to cool down, but according to police, one Florida man took it a bit too far.
He might have cooled down, but he didn’t beat the heat – a sheriff’s deputy caught up with George Corno when he was allegedly driving down the road at 85 mph, drunk – and in his underwear. The police quickly locked him up.
Apparently, Corno’s antics were performed on a three-wheeled motorcycle. We’re betting that after removing most of his clothing, he was working up courage to buy a naked bike.
Source: TCPalm
A mower-cycle
Hot summer weather also makes your lawn grow. Who wants to mow their lawn when they could be out riding their bike? Nobody, that’s who.
So, some dude named Larry, apparently from Ohio, figured out a way he could do both at the same time – he built the Lawn Chopper, seen in the video below. Sure, it’s a crazy idea – but at least he won’t mind if he and his bike end up in the weeds when he’s out riding.
Up, up, and away

You’ve heard of Snakes on a Plane, but what about motorcycle racers?
It seems the sky is the limit for Canadian Superbike Championship riders Brett McCormick and Steve Crevier. Maybe they’re unhappy with simply dominating on the track and are looking for new thrills – it’s hard to tell. But they’ve found rides that are even faster than their current race machines – they’re going for a spin with the Snowbirds tomorrow.
It’s all part of the Superbike Championship’s publicity partnership with the Snowbirds, but the air force had better keep an eye on these two guys; knowing their competitive natures, they just might try to heist a plane so they can literally fly by their opponents on the track.
Boot camp for bike warranties
How do you make an extended warranty service plan seem more exciting? In Yamaha’s case, they made a video featuring Colin Edwards – but it’s not racing based, it’s a boot camp spoof.
It’s not exactly Full Metal Jacket, but it is pretty amusing, and it’s great seeing a racer having fun and not taking himself too seriously. It’d be great if all warranty work was fun and games like this.
Wedded bliss in HOG heaven?

Here’s a case of someone probably being too smart for their own good. The good folks at Montana Harley-Davidson’s Missoula location  think they’ve got a pretty awesome thing going on – a local newspaper survey voted them as the area’s best motorcycle/ATV dealer.
What’s one of the main perks of the dealership? Apparently you can get married and even hold a reception there.
Now, that may sound like a great idea to bring people through the doors, but what happens when all those significant others put their foot down on their spouse’s motorcycling ways?
Even if the newlyweds are still on board with the bike idea, new houses and babies aren’t conducive to motorcycle purchasing. If it was our dealership, we’d be doing our best to make sure our customers stayed good and single.
Source: Missoula Independant
Guys who give up bikes after marriage were never really single in the first place