The two largest Japanese motorcycle
companies are committed to releasing electric motorcycles to wide
markets in the near future.
On Wednedsday, Yamaha Motor Co. said
it will begin selling its EC-03 electric bike at home in September,
and in Taiwan and Europe next year. They expect to sell 10 million of
them, at prices that are equivalent to about $3,000 Cdn.
Honda Motor Co. has previously stated
that it will start selling its electric motorcycle domestically in
The Yamaha electric bike is
scooter-sized and is powered by lithium-ion batteries. It can be
recharged at a household outlet and will go about 43 kilometres after
a six-hour charge.
I would expect an electric motorcycle/scooter from Yamaha or Honda to be capable of at least 50cc scooter type speeds (60-70km/hr). I doubt these manufacturers are going to compete in the eBike market which is restricted to about 32km/hr.
Great, another “e” bike to get stuck behind doing 25km/h in a 70 zone with no room to pass as they doddle on down the middle of the lane. These things should not be allowed on the road, but since they are you should have to get a license to drive it if.
I just bought this….same bike more or less for under $1000.oo Toronto …….fantastic…..
This article must be wrong, because a couple of years ago larry said no way would electric bikes ever be accepted in numbers sufficient to sell.