For a while now, we’ve been keeping you updated on the scooter parking issue in Toronto. Now, in an upcoming meeting with city bigwigs, you can have your own say.
Here’s an update from Matt Faulknor. The gist of it is that there’ll be a meeting with the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee in September, where riders can have their say, as long as they register ahead.
“Hi everyone. Thanks so much for signing the change.org scooter petition. Believe it or not we’re just a few signatures shy of 500. That’s great news! If you haven’t already, please share the petition with your friends and family. This petition is valuable as proof positive that Torontonians care about the issue and it WILL be handed over (again) later in the process. The more signatures the better.
An update…
Councillor Josh Matlow’s motion re: parking for mopeds and scooters has been sent to the city’s Public Works & Infrastructure Committee. The motion can be found online at http://joshmatlow.ca/issues-
On September 20, 2013, beginning at 9:30 AM in Committee Room 1 at Toronto City Hall, the committee will be debating this issue. The cool thing is that YOU can participate. About a week before the meeting, you will be allowed to register to speak. Each person registered will get 3 to 5 minutes to talk, depending on the time available. According to Councillor Matlow’s office, they’re looking for people who care about this issue and can speak passionately about their experiences receiving tickets and parking scooters on Toronto’s streets (for example, I will tell them about the time I parked on Elm Street and a Jeep Wrangler drove over my scooter and caused more than $2000 worth of damage). This is our opportunity to be heard and I hope we have a good turnout. If you can’t make it to the meeting, you are welcome to submit a letter on public record that will be presented at the meeting in your absence.
The issue may be resolved that day or (more likely) it will take a couple more months. Either way please consider coming out and getting involved. More details about registering to speak AND submitting a letter on public record to follow.
And please feel free to email the members of the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee and let them know this issue is important to you. The Members of the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee are:
Councillor Michelle Berardinetti
Councillor Janet Davis
Councillor Mark Grimes
Councillor Mike Layton
Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong (Chair)
Councillor John Parker
Thanks again,
Matt Faulknor”