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Yamaha wins 200

Bostrom leading Hayes, DiSalvo amaproracing.com Ben Bostrom and Josh Herrin gave the Yamaha factory a 1-2 at the 68th Daytona 200 on Friday night. The event...

Mr. Seck goes to the Turkish GP!

Before I begin this tale, I should make it quite clear that the good folks at the MotoGP organization did not invite CMG for an all-expenses-paid junket to this third round of the 2006 MotoGP series. Nor did Editor ‘arris win the lottery and, in a moment of drunken euphoria, decide that Mr. Seck needed to be finally rewarded for the most-excellent work he does at this fine publication.

CMG takes on The Blackfly Rally

“You know what would be very CMG?” Mr. Seck semi-asked, semi-stated. “That we go for those extra bonus points on the hobby-horse”.

Pascal takes on the Diablo SV Cup, Part 3

Motivation can come from the strangest places. After winning the shortened round 3 at Mosport (see previous article) and reading some of the posts on internet forums, I got a distinct feeling that some people didn’t think I “deserved” the win, and that the fastest SV racer was not the one leading the championship.

Pascal takes on the Diablo SV Cup, Part 2

Team CMG’s Pascal Anctil managed to pull off a respectable seventh place in the first round of the Diablo SV Cup at Shannonville in May. But seventh just isn’t very CMG. You gotta either win, almost win, or come dead last (preferably after a spectacular crash requiring a long stay in the local hospital). With this in mind, our intrepid and fool-hardy racer packed up his cowboy hat, steak knife and ill-fitting leathers, and headed west to Calgary.

Mr. Tate goes vintage racing

The older you get, the faster you were: a pretty common joke among members of the racing group known as the Vintage Road Racing Association, or VRRA. Not always true, though, as anyone racing with the VRRA crowd for the first time will quickly learn. Just because you have a few years' experience doesn't mean you're slowing down any.

Test Ride: Triumph Sprint ST

I'm a cruiser kind of guy. I like low, slung-back bikes, with plenty of chrome and loud pipes. So when I was offered a chance to test ride the new Triumph Sprint ST for a week, my first reaction was "Who, me?"

CMG takes a scooter to the Numb Bum, Part 5

Welcome to the fifth and final part of Team Frozen lake Dogs adventures at the 1998 Numb Bum 24 hour ice race.