CHiPs could be this generation’s official Dumb Motorcycle Movie

In case you hadn’t heard (we hadn’t or maybe we did and we didn’t care), Hollywood is giving CHiPs a reboot, in the form of this movie, starring that mildly humorous actor from Ant-Man, and that guy who’s married to Kristen Bell.

And hey, to give Michael Peña and Dax Shepard credit, they’re typically pretty funny guys. But this film looks like it could be the next great Dumb Motorcycle Movie. You know, like Biker Boyz was in 2003 (honourable mention to Torque). Every generation has one, and it seem’s we’re overdue.

But we’ll reserve final judgment until some CMG staffer is forced to see the film. And just because we’re thorough, here’s a link to the KZ1000-powered opener from the original TV series, in all its beige polyester glory.


  1. No fan of Kristen Bell’s husband but the other guy’s okay and Kristin herself seem to have a cameo. Looks exceptionally stupid but I’ll probably end up watching it on NFLX or 123.

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