Royal E boosting production


Royal Enfield’s old-time looks have attracted more buyers.

Royal Enfield plans to increase production
of its motorcycles due to increasing demand.

The company introduced fuel-injection and
unit-construction 500 cc engines to its models this year, a move that has proved popular with

Royal Enfield is based in India and
uses tooling and blueprints from the former British motorcycle company, making bikes with some of the most primitive technology in motorcycling. But their qualities of retrograde looks and old-fashioned goodness have charmed buyers, and now some modernization has crept into the line, promising improved dependability. The marketplace has reacted by demanding more bikes.

Royal Enfield plans
to increase production from 52,000 units to 70,000 in 2011, then 90,000 in 2012
and 100,000 for 2013.

Money is also being spent on a new paint
studio and other upgrades. Royal Enfield motorcycles are distributed in Canada
by Bullet Motorcycles , of Edmonton.


  1. My 250cc cruiser gets more horsepower than the RE 500, and its 30 ft of torque isn’t exactly worth bragging about in the 500cc class. Underpowered + low top speed + high MSRP = why bother?

  2. It’s really good looking bike. Royal Enfield plans to increase production of its motorcycles due to increasing demand. I know Royal Enfield’s bike demand increase in recent days according me.
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