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End of an era: The Trans Labrador Highway is now fully paved
You can ride as far as Labrador City completely on pavement now, if you come from the Newfoundland side of the highway.
Black Flies and Loathing in Labrador
Zac foolishly rides across Labrador on a small bike in peak black fly season, instead of wisely taking a Jeep, like Mark did.
Riding the road north to Labrador
Zac's in his element at last: riding a road that switches from great to crap in an instant, eaten by bugs at every stop.
Destination, Labrador: Getting ready!
Zac is taking care of some unfinished CMG business.
Opinion: The Labrador option
It's a long way across Labrador and the road's a challenge. So, of course, Zac wants to ride it...
20 Years of CMG: Labrador on a rat KLR
20 Years of CMG: A tremendous piece of writing, when Chris Landers crossed Labrador on a rat KLR.
Labrador adventure
Mark Richardson writes in the Toronto Star about crossing Labrador.
Travel: Labrador – on a rat KLR650
Team CMG may not have conquered Labrador in 2011, but here's a story of someone else who did. The secret to success? Ride a rat bike.
Travel: Labrador Adventure – 2
After successfully navigating Newfoundland, Jim and Arris enter the gravel section of the Trans Lab where thing go 'orribly CMG.
Travel: Labrador Adventure – 1
Last summer Editor Arris and his pall Gimpy Jimpy decided to tackle the Trans Labrador before they paved the thing and took the adventure out of it. They just didn't quite expect so much adventure. Part 1 - getting to the gravel.