Ahead of final 2019 rally, Port Dover officials seek input on Friday the 13th event

This week is Port Dover’s final Friday the 13th rally for 2019, but before the bum-numbing season closes, town officials are looking for some input from the public.

There were some significant changes to the southern Ontario rally this summer, including a ban on merchandise sales related to outlaw motorcycle clubs, as well as a section of Main Street that had bikes and pedestrians separated from each other. Many people complained about the changes and talked about boycotting the event, which sometimes sees more than 100,000 people visit the town (normal population: 6,000) on any Friday the 13th.

As a result of the changes and the resulting unhappiness, the Simcoe Observer says Norfolk County council is opening its floor to commentary and questions from the public at its December 10 meeting. According to the council’s press release, “The meeting is meant to give the public a chance to provide comments on what works and what could be improved about the event, which during warm weather months can see upwards of 100,000 attendees.” The floor is open at 7 PM, but people wishing to make their feelings known can also submit commentary at this link, if they’re unable to make the meeting.

Aside from that, remember that the Friday the 13th rally is scheduled to run this weekend, as it is every time the 13th falls on Friday, rain or shine or even snow (but don’t expect as many grandpas in thongs to be running around in colder months, like this weekend. Hey, maybe that makes the December event the best one to attend?).


  1. How many major incidents has Port Dover had over the years? There is/was no reason to ban specific sales nor is there any reason to saturate the town in law enforcement … Bad decisions have wrecked Port Dover’s Friday the 13th… It’s just one big profiling exercise for the OPP.

  2. I live in Port Dover on First Ave. I thought the changes were very good. Having vendors, Musicians and Local Business located on Main St. and Powell Park made sense for everyone and was less disruptive. The bikes being on the other streets made sense. I think the 13th. Wears 2 hats the Bikes and a festival for all to enjoy. Good Planning Folks

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