This Weekend, The Vancouver Motorcycle Show Hits Abbotsford


Aaaaaaand here it is, the mid-winter moto-morale builder that we all need: The MMIC (or Moto Canada or whatever they call themselves now) has their mid-winter show circuit starting out west, with the Vancouver Motorcycle Show!

The Vancouver show is underway right now, running January 17-19 at Tradex in Abbotsford (1190 Cornell Street—see here). So what’s happening this weekend?

The show’s website is changed up a bit and the information isn’t as easy to find as it used to be, but it appears some very familiar faces return—like the Yamaha Riding Academy, where kids between the ages of 6 and 12 can get training on the basics of motorcycle control. Quite a few of the usual exhibitors are back, including touring companies (if you’ve got the cash to tour overseas, this is a great way to find what options are out there) and insurance companies (no better time to compare rates!). Harley-Davidson, Honda and other large OEMs have their new-for-2025 bikes on display, but so do some smaller players like Kove (they have their new 800 adventure bike at the show) and even Buell. Want to see Buell’s new wild and wacky machines? This is your chance.

Some of the powersports apparel and accessory distributors are there as well, so if you’re looking for new gear and you want the right fit, this might be an even better choice than going to a dealer with limited selection; you’re wayyyy better off doing this than shopping online, where you’re guessing at the fit.

Also, biker clubs and rider organizations will have booths there telling you about what their membership offers.

For a full list of exhibitors, see here. Show hours are 11 AM-8 PM Friday, 10 AM-7 PM Saturday and 10 AM-5 PM Sunday.



  1. Went to the show today. Paid 10 bucks for parking!! Had to wait over a half hour freezing outside because there was no one at the ticket booths and when they finally came there equipment wasn’t working and they were telling people to get tickets on-line ( had to set up an account to buy tickets NOT!!). Got in, poor showing of bikes and over half the bikes were Harley’s as well as the merchandise. Never going again!

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