The Moto Social launches new online meet-up

Photo: Viktor Radics

Looking to hang out with your riding pals, but you can’t, because of COVID-19? The Moto Social has a solution. Starting this month, they’re doing a virtual meet-up.

Back in 2013, Sam and Viktor Radics started The Moto Social as regularly-scheduled meetups for GTA motorcyclists. In the years since, riders in other cities picked up the idea. Before COVID-19 hit, there were Moto Social meet-ups in more than 20 cities around the world.

Now, because of the pandemic, The Moto Social meetings are all shut down, except in Auckland, New Zealand. So, just like we told you back in January, the fun is headed online.


From 1-3 PM on the last Sunday of every month (March 28, this time), The Moto Social is hosting an online meeting, using the Lobby service. It should be mobile-friendly.

To use it log on to The Moto Social’s website here. It’s free, like all The Moto Social events, although you’ll have to brew your own coffee. And, you’ll be able to meet with riders from all over the world, not just your own city. See how to use the new online platform in The Moto Social’s video below.

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