I hated the Honda Rebel from the moment I first sat on it, but it’s not intended for me. It’s physically too small for my 6-foot height and 200 lbs. I settled my butt on its too-hard seat and folded my legs up to the pegs in a position that’s unnatural outside of a doctor’s office, and set off on the long road to misery.
But like I said, this bike really isn’t intended for somebody like me. It’s small, friendly, unintimidating. So I gave it to my wife to ride for a while. She’s only just got back into the saddle after two decades away from the handlebars, and she needed a bike like the Rebel to restore her confidence in motorcycles.

She was okay with it, but she never took it over 80 km/h, and she didn’t ride for more than 20 minutes at a time. When you ride like that, most bikes are fine. The engine started when the key was turned and the button was pushed, it putted around with no surprises, and it slowed down when the brakes were squeezed. Her kind of bike.
(That said, there’s a recall on new Rebel 300s because the rear wheel can lock up while riding. That’s not good at all, and very unlike Honda. Fortunately, the test bike was a Rebel 500, which has two cylinders and a bit more power compared to the 300’s one-lunger.)

So let’s just leave it as understood that if you’re a new rider and you want a bike that looks good and isn’t going to scare you, and you don’t plan to ride it far from your funky downtown loft, or just over to the Cat Café, then the Rebel is a great buy (as long as it’s not a new 300 that’s not been fixed yet). It costs $7,199 for this year’s model, up $100 from last year despite no changes. ‘Nuff said. Stop reading now.
However, if you’re a larger rider, or a rural rider who will travel more distance, or an experienced rider who enjoys a thrill, then the Rebel will only disappoint. Stop thinking about buying one now.

I rode the Rebel 500 out in the countryside, and over the tram tracks of downtown Toronto, and everywhere in between, and was never once comfortable. I needed an extra two inches of leg room to be able to stretch out, and there was no way around this. At one point, at speed on Hwy. 401, I tried tucking my legs up onto the rear pegs like a teenager on his way to high school, but all that did was melt my right boot on the muffler.
The problem is that when your feet are beneath you on the pegs, you’re still sitting fairly upright, and there is absolutely zero weather protection on the bike. Every part of your body is hit by the wind. Dean is a larger guy than me, and when he rode the Rebel 500 last year, he wrote that “your chest becomes a literal parachute.”

That said, Costa is about the same size as me, and he was far more forgiving of the Rebel’s ergonomics when he rode it in 2017. I don’t think he left Venice Beach, though.
To be honest, I felt a little clownish on the Rebel. When I stopped at a Tim Hortons, I wanted to walk inside and assure everyone that it was not my bike, just a tester, but then I looked through the window and realized that it’s actually a very good looking motorcycle. Even when I sat on it, while it felt too small, it didn’t look too small. So instead, I bit my ungrateful tongue and ordered a donut. When I reached home an hour later, however, I had to take a hot bath to warm up, despite wearing a sweater and insulated leather jacket on the 12-degree C afternoon.
They say that any day with a motorcycle is a good day, but I’d have to disagree if it’s with a Honda Rebel on the highway, and if you’re taller than my 5-foot-9 wife. Curled up on the seat as I was, it took about 20 minutes for my crotch to go numb. I’m not talking about just a loss of sensation – I’m talking totally lifeless. You’d could have given me a vasectomy with no anesthesia and I’d not have noticed. In fact, I might have preferred it.
Perhaps the only thing worse than being on the Rebel’s seat is being on the Rebel’s pillion seat: you don’t want to be back there if you have an ass any larger than a crack addict’s. There’s just no space, and the 500’s 45 hp would surely be taxed by the extra weight. Normally at CMG, we test our assumptions before publishing them, but I just couldn’t find anyone willing to sit on the tiny pillion, even stationary. You’d be better off replacing it with a luggage rack.

But that’s the beauty of the Rebel: it’s designed from the outset to be customized. I was at the static launch in California when Honda pulled off the wraps, and each of the bikes in the room was quite different, despite all being the same Rebels. The rear fender removes completely, and Honda expects the Gen Y target buyers to create exactly the bike they want from a plethora of aftermarket parts, for not much money.
Maybe if I fitted extended pegs, and maybe if I changed the bars for pretty much anything that’s a little more forward, and maybe if I added some padding to the seat, I might be happier with the Rebel. But then my wife would hate it. Honda makes lots of motorcycles and they’re not all supposed to fit everybody. I’ll just move on from the Rebel, but that doesn’t mean you should, too. It’s a nice, happy bike – far too nice for a grumpy old bugger like me.

I said it before and I’ll say it again, that engine has to find it’s way into a bike styled like the newish CB300r. What a fantastic well-rounder that would be.
That engine was available in 3 iterations Before it was put in the Rebel 500. Look up the CBR 500R (sportbike) CB 500F (naked) and CB 500X (adventure)
As always to each, their own. Upon returning to riding 6 years ago I bought a Silverwing 500. My power criteria is that I need to be able to pass/speed up fairly quickly in all circumstances. Going uphill in the mountains it was ok 1 up, not 2 up. I bought a Silverwing 650, it was ok 2 up, great 1 up. I do all of my riding out of the city, usually sport touring. It all depends on what you want/need. We do this for fun after all. I have a Ninja 300, a VFR 800, a BMW R 1200 RT, love them all, but I don’t ride the Ninja 2 up, ever. Cam
Mark.. say it isn’t so.. CMG falling into the trap of too small.. not enough horses.. the founding fathers of THE Mad Bastard Scooter rally! If it don’t fit, hand it back to a reviewer it does (convince your wife to begin her journalism career perhaps!). Us 5foot4 and lower riders still exist out here, usually woefully moaning about the lack of small light bikes that nicely fit our sad statured midseams. We love to read a solid review of the little bikes too.
Don’t worry, if all goes well we have more Quarter Litre Madness© right around the corner!
” …and realised that it’s actually a very good looking motorcycle.”
I think that that Honda has the most fugly aesthetics of any motorcycle extant.
And that’s fugly with a Capital F.
Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.
Your bias is showing. If the bike is too small then don’t ride it. I am small and old. I would not ride a Bike that is too big for me.
If you can’t take a passenger with 45 horsepower, you are grossly overweight. People have toured the country 2-up on 50 horsepower motorcycles with fairings and bags and a passenger (80’s 500 Silver Wing; 70’s CB500-F), I used to ride double all day quite often on a 400 Hawk, it’s really a factor of how fast you want to go, and 90 mph was within reach of any of these bikes 2-up.
You should test your theory on the 401
Back in the day, I rode the DVP and 401 on a ’76 Yamaha XS360C 2-up all the bloody time. Unless people are routinely doing 160 kph in the slow lane nowadays, I don’t see how it can possibly be a problem. The ol’ 360 would do 120k all day. The RD400 Daytona Special that followed was the same.
Most people I know would be happy to own a late 60’s triumph and ride it two up all day. In spite of its 35 HP motor and never say a word about it. Want better wind protection. Buy a Jeep
“I hated the Honda Rebel from the moment I first sat on it, but it’s not intended for me.”
Perhaps you (and your wife) might have enjoyed this one more ?
An acquaintance of mine, 71 years young, after riding bigger cruisers her entire life fell in love with the mini-ADVer.
I have a 2014 CB 500X & living in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains I regularly ride from a low of 3000 ft asl to over 7000 ft asl with the little lady perched behind me. Yes it doesn’t have the power of my previous Wee Strom & I have to play with the gears more & have a plan a pass a little more carefully; but I think it’s a fantastic bike, especially for the cost. Mine is very well “farkled” and the aftermarket shield gives me perfectly clean air