Dan Daughenbaugh is a man with a plan – a plan to set a new land speed record on his BSA, and filmmakers at Post Agency want to document it, with your help.
Daughenbaugh met up with Post Agency when some of their crew was out riding and broke down, almost directly in front of his house. He helped them get back on the road, but before they sped off they saw enough of him and his work to fascinate them and inspire this project.
For years now, Daughenbaugh has been working on a land speed bike powered by a ’51 BSA Star Twin; he originally acquired the motor from the wreckage of a Philadelphia motorcycle shop that had burned down. He’s been working on his bike, dubbed the Greasy Gringo, ever since.
He’s taken it to the Ohio Mile land-speed event and already set a record there, but he’s hoping to truck it all the way to Bonneville this summer for Speed Week (his third visit), and the guys from Post Agency want to film his efforts. Trouble is, film making costs money; that’s where you come in.
Post Agency is trying to raise money for this project through Indiegogo. They’re at $6,380 right now, but aiming for $15,000 for travel, equipment rental and post-production costs. If they can’t raise the 15 grand, they project is off.
Take a look through their Indigogo page, or view their video clips below and see if you think the project is worth sending some funding.
A Line in the Salt “Intro” from Post Agency on Vimeo.
This has all the makings of another Bullshit Hipster Bike Video. Old decrepit bike, shots of wrenches turning, tattooed arms, 1.5 second cutaways for the ADHD crowd, hipster hats, multi-day beard growth, dramatic voice-over where there is no drama. The only thing missing is specialty coffee. Best of luck on raising funds but count me out.
Sounds like it has a bit more Bruce Brown influence than most of the hipster stuff.
To me, I don’t care who makes it or how they film it, as long as it makes me want to go ride a motorcycle. Not sure if they will accomplish that or not.