As you might have heard, a little event called the Mad Bastard Scooter Rally ran last weekend …
Almost 100 riders braved rain, back roads, and sometimes confusing maps during Saturday’s rally, which had over 670 kms in the main leg, not counting the bonus loop. And, they raised a truckload of cash for the Kids Help Phone.
We’ll have a complete write-up coming for you this weekend, complete with shocking photos!
Needs more Americans…
Yes thanks Rob and all the support team! The rally was great! Already have next scheme in the works for next rally, yes very
The Go-Go Boys
Team MMM did the route with less than 2 hours of sleep the night before – with a 45 min delay due to a stalled scoot and only 60km away from the hotel, we thought we were done. All of a sudden we hear the sweet sound of an Italian steed fire up and we were on the road, avoiding any chance of having to stop the questionable scoot by moving very slowly towards red lights, blocking vehicles from impeding his progress and timely lane changes to get back on time! Was the first time we didn’t complete a bonus loop but we were just happy to complete the main course within the time limit.
I’m not sure how you’re going to top this year but I’m sure you’ll find a way… thanks Rob, Kymco and all the folks who put this together. We’ll be back!!!
Thanks Rob and all those who worked so hard to make it a great event. The course was tough but great fun and as it was our first, our team of 4 were very grateful to have completed it safely with no break downs and in what I think was a record time of about 15 hrs and 12 minutes. See you in 2015. Gord Barnes