Inventors working on helmet with HUD

The team is designing a helmet to house all their technology.
This is the basic HUD display the Russian team is working on.
This is the basic HUD display the Russian team is working on.

While the crustier curmudgeons out there may disagree, there are plenty of riders out there who’d be happy to own a helmet with HUD (heads-up display).

Now, a team of Russians is working on such a lid, and they’ve put together a few prototype pieces with help from various Russian innovation stimulation funds (which sounds, just a bit, like an oxymoron, but who are we to judge?). 

The team is designing a helmet to house all their technology.
The team is designing a helmet to house all their technology.

The design they’re working on integrates a speedometer, turn-by-turn GPS navigation, clock, and more. It’ll be battery-powered, and the helmet itself will be certified to DOT, ECE22.05, FCC, and JIS T 8133 standards.

There’s just one problem: The designers need more money to get this project rolling, and that’s where you can come in.

If you think you like the sound of this kit, you can donate money to their efforts through IndieGoGo. Check it out! For $1,500, they will guarantee you one of the first helmets made. There are other, less pricey options as well.


  1. […] Nous avons récemment publié un article d’un autre casque à l’affichage tête haute, mais les constructeurs ne sont pas encore prêts à l’introduire sur le marché. Reevu semble être un peu plus avancé avec ce concept, et ils n’ont fait aucune mention de campagne de collecte de fonds pour les aider à produire leur casque. Sommes-nous vraiment au seuil de la porte de l’avenir des casques intélligents?  […]

  2. […] We saw another HUD-capable helmet teased recently, but the makers of that lid were asking for the public’s support in bringing it to market. Reevu, however, says their new helmet is commercially viable, and they’re not reaching out via Kickstarter or other such sites. Could the future of helmets really be just around the corner? We’ll see … […]

  3. Let’s admit it: no one wants to be without porn access just cuz you’re out riding yr bike…Go futuretardation!!

  4. My maw purchased a GM, years ago, with HUD. She always bought her cars fully loaded.
    She did not know she had it, or what it was, or how to turn it on.

    After a couple of years, I turned it on for her. After a couple of kliks, she wanted it off! LOL

    • That was for you … and Larry … and so on.

      I like this idea, but there would be issues to overcome. For touring, it’d be a pain in the butt to keep the batteries charged. And you’d have to integrate some sort of tearaway to protect the visor, because if it’s integrated with pricy electronics, you’re not going to buy a new one every time it gets scratched. Most riders I know are are too cheap to buy new visors anyway, even without the technology implanted in them.

      BUT – I can see this helmet having a lot of appeal to someone who wanted to, say, have a bike with no gauges, or wanted a top-of-the-line GPS navigation system, etc.

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