Last month, we said lane-splitting might be on the rise. Now, we’re telling you it probably isn’t.
A few weeks ago, it seemed the Nevada government might be ready to pass a law allowing lane-splitting (as long as traffic was stopped and bikes weren’t going faster than 10 mph); right now, the only place you can get away with lane-splitting in the US and Canada is California, where the traffic cops tolerate it.
Alas, the bill to allow lane-splitting died in the state senate, so riders are back to being stuck in gridlock, or carefully looking over their shoulder for The Man as they shimmy and shake their way to the front of the line.
It’s pretty odd if you think about it – there are riders’ organizations fighting for everything from the right to ride helmetless, to the right to ride an exhaust so loud it can wake up your neighbours in the next city over. Yet, nobody seems to be too excited about winning the right to lane-splitting for motorcycles in the US and Canada – something that’s taken for granted in the rest of the world.
[…] But, having the bill introduced doesn’t mean the law has passed; the state of Washington looked at this in the past and turned down the idea. There was a bill introduced in 2005 that proposed allowing lanesplitting, but legislators gave it the thumbs down. More recently, Nevada nixed the idea in 2013. […]
As to the lack of lobbying efforts, not quite true, Zac. Here in BC, we are fortunate to have a dedicated and effective advocacy group in BCCOM- the BC Coalition of Motorcyclists. The group takes its direction from the membership, meaning that whatever the membership wants to deal with, that’s where the focus is. Lately, there has been much discussion about lane splitting, and conversations have taken place with government on this matter and on insuring multiple bikes. Among other things, the Coalition has been effective in getting first-on/first-off loading privileges on BC Ferries and access to HOV lanes (you wish!). This week, the head of the organization was invited by Premier Clark herself to attend the announcement of the next executive council! At least motorcyclists are registering with the top brass in the province. Wish us well on the lane splitting issue!
I think bccom is after lane filtering (as described in the article above), not quite the same as lane splitting (anytime anywhere more or less).
Hmmm…. wondering if a few mad bastards on skinny scooters could fit??
That’s because HD’s are too wide ?
Yeah, not to mention Gold Wings and their touring ilk.