Dawn to Dusk rally to return in 2013!

Lunch stop, on last year's D2D. That's a lot of 250s, but we're hoping for more this year! Photo: Ron Kierstead
Lunch stop, on last year's D2D. We're looking at running the event in August this year. Photo: Ron Kierstead
Lunch stop, on last year’s D2D. We’re looking at running the event in August this year. Photo: Ron Kierstead

Everybody’s favourite 250 cc rally is returning this year, most likely mid-summer.

The minds behind the Dawn to Dusk rally have been going over details, and right now, it looks like Quarter-Litre Madness will return to Moncton, N.B. in mid-August. We haven’t had final confirmation on dates yet, but it’s looking like we’ll run the affair on August 10 . We’ll let you know as soon as the date is confirmed.

Larry Northrup and the other good people of Toys For Big Boys will be involved again this year.

Why move the date to August, when we ran the last two D2Ds in September? It all comes down to scheduling – CMG has some other stuff on the go this fall, but we’re keen to make sure this event happens. The mid-August date might mean the weather will be a bit warmer, and also may allow us to pack a few more kilometres into the ride, as we’ve got more daylight to work with. We’re thinking of doing a tri-province (N.B., N.S., P.E.I.) loop again, but that’s still up in the air.

In any case – if you’re interested in this event, stay tuned to CMG. We’ll feed you more information as soon as we can.


    • Ed, word on the street is that one of our operatives is in touch with a T shirt printing company and has a few of them printed off. If you could provide a size, we might be able to hook you up. Cost will likely be around $25ish, depending on shipping.

    • If only I had the dough. Always wanted one of those grey market imports that Mike McDonald and the other fella used to bring in. The Ninja 400s were cool, but the NSRs were the best.

      • I’d love to get it myself, but I live in Ontario so I imagine it would require jumping through a lot of hoops to get it road worthy. I may have to just get it and keep it at my friend’s place in PEI.

        • Looks clean. There were a lot of these on the roads (relatively speaking) when I grew up on the Island. Give him a call, you might be surprised. I’d buy one of these in a heartbeat if I could afford it. Likely the most fun you could ever have on a 250.

    • If the Aug. 10 date changes, we’ll let everyone know on here ASAP. It’s the most likely date at this point, though.

    • Yes, it’s worth … uh … double the points!

      Murray trucked two bikes there last year, and a guy rode from Quebec City on Friday, did the rally Saturday, then rode back to Quebec City on Sunday!

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