Welcome to Friday Fudge. If it’s weird, funny, or strange motorcycle news, or it just plain won’t fit anywhere else on the site – you’ll find it here.
Name game
What would you say about a town that paid to use its own name? Sounds crazy, right? But that’s exactly what the town of Sturgis in South Dakota does.
Apparently, the town payed almost $50,000 to the Sturgis motorcycle rally’s organizers last year to use its own name to publish things like an official magazine or pocket guide for the rally, or run the rally’s official website and Facebook account.
It’s true the town sees some return on that money, so the city government probably views it as an investment. However, even the rally’s founder calls the move stupid, and we’d agree. It’s like the Toronto Maple Leafs charging Toronto to use their name – except most of the city’s residents would likely pay to not be associated with the team …
Story source: Cyril Huze
Trouble at the cop shop
A bunch of French police officers recently went on strike over a workplace grievance. What, you ask, was the complaint – were they tired of waiting for backup? Were they tired of low wages or unpaid overtime? Nope, the strike was over motorcycle helmets.
Apparently, two-wheeled cops in Morbihan, France, had been given motorcycle helmets back in 2007, and the skid lids had deteriorated badly, with scratches and fogging problems. Their overseers dragged their feet on replacing them, and the fuzz had enough.
The bigwigs caved eventually, buying new helmets for the officers (allegedly at a cost of of 1,000 to 1,200 Euros a helmet – no wonder they were waiting to replace them!). Word is, the cops are back on duty, but contemplating more job action over the lack of aftermarket donut-holders on their bikes.
Story source: Bikes in the Fast Lane
Scooter madness
We’re pretty sure this happens all the time in the developing world, where scooters carry the same load as your average Canadian pickup truck. Note guy on right stopping to help … not.
I was impressed by the kids top … oh I mean the helmet spinning down the road!
That made me laugh out loud. He slowed down look and then NOPE. SEE YA. classic
Maybe the unconcious woman on the ground told the guy she was ok and to go ahead…that’s the only way I can justify in my mind why that guy took off…or maybe he was going after the uy with the large load sadly I doubt it.
Wait no…the large load guy did stop and the arse kept going…insane
Considering the “large load asshat” caused the accident, I’d expect him to stop.