It seems that this is the weekend of the motorcycle rally, at least in Canada, starting with the east coast …
This weekend, the fourth annual Thunder in the Highlands rally takes place in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Friday-Monday. You can find more about it at the event’s website here. It looks like most riders should find something fun to do at the event – there’s a ride to Louisbourg, stunt shows, all-bike drag racing, and if you get bored, you can always take in the Cabot Trail.
The Riverside Rally also takes place in Nova Scotia this weekend, at the 74th Crusaders clubhouse in Annapolis Royal (directions at their site here). This rally is a lot smaller than the Cape Breton shindig, but if that’s what you’re looking for, why not check it out? Anyway, things get rolling Friday night, and carry through until Monday. It’ll cost $50 per person over 16 years old, to attend.
Or, if you’re really bored, you can hop aboard the ferry in North Sydney. The Northern Star Riders Ass’n Cruise runs in Clarenville, Newfoundland, this weekend, Thursday to Sunday. As the title suggests, this event is geared towards riders aboard Yamaha’s Star cruiser lineup. The Association has booked the Clarenville Inn and planned a weekend full of the usual bike games and contests, show ‘n shine, silent auction – you know, traditional hell-raising biker activities. Find more about the weekend’s plans here.
Of course, not everyone rides a Star cruiser, or lives within riding distance of Clarenville. What if you live up north – way, way up north? This could be one of your best chances to take in a rally this year, with the Hay River Rally in the Northwest Territories. This event has more of the same wild, dangerous biker activities, like a swap meet and group rides; it’s run by the Northwest Territories Riders Association (NWTRA) Find out more here.
Heading to central Canada, you can head up to Napanee this weekend (Friday-Saturday) for the Ride with the Pack, hosted by the Canadian Army Veterans Juno Unit (details here). Funds raised will help Icross Canada, the Children’s Wish Foundation, and Interval House Napanee. And yes, there will be show ‘n shines, vendors, and music. Oh yes, and guided mini-tours.
Albertan riders can check out the Heartland Bash MC Rally this weekend, at Heartland Bash. You can bring your dog, organizers say, but leave your attitude at the gate. Also, they request no gang colours, so leave that Sons of Anarchy sweatshirt at home. Wait, maybe make-believe gangs are OK? We’re really not sure – contact to find out for sure, as well as to find out more details on the bike rodeo, camping, music, and other fun stuff going on. The word on the street is that this event runs Friday-Sunday.
For those on the west coast, carry on a tradition this summer by attending the 24th annual Boogie Bash in Rock Creek, B.C., at the Rock Creek Campgrounds. Details are sketchy, but it seems this rally involves such attractions as poker runs, live music, camping and – gasp – wading in the river. No kidding, that’s on the poster. On the plus side, organizers are keen to point out this is an adult-only event, no dogs or ATVs allowed, so it can’t be all that bad. It’ll cost you $50 to hang out for the weekend, and that includes your camping fee. Want more info? Contact The event runs Thursday-Monday.
B.C. riders can also attend the 18th annual Thunder Run in Creston, B.C., running Friday-Sunday. Surprise, surprise, there’s live music, beer gardens, a poker run and a show ‘n shine. Camping is free for this event! Call Terry James Booker at 250-402-8469 or email for more details.
Nice web-site for the Napanee thing. Nothing but sponsors. Can’t click on anything. No details.