Pavel's travels are over.

He's reached B.C., but now Pavel is going to sell his new motorcycle.
He’s reached B.C., but now Pavel is going to sell his new motorcycle.

Last week, we told you about 16-year-old Pavel Filippov’s ride across Canada aboard a KLR650.

Well, the teenage traveler has finally reached his B.C. destination after going through the Rockies and the prairies, but he’s still quite short of his fundraising goal of $10,000 for Doctors Without Borders.

That means Pavel’s going to be selling his brand-new KLR650; he will give the proceeds to meet his donation goal, and go back to riding his Derbi Bullet.

He’s also going to contact Guinness, to hopefully enter the record book as the youngest person to ride across Canada on a motorcycle. You can read about the end of Pavel’s trip on his blog here.

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