Fastest premieres today

We don't know when you'll get a chance to see Mark Neale's latest MotoGP documentary, but when you get the opportunity - take it.
We don’t know when you’ll get a chance to see Mark Neale’s latest MotoGP documentary, but when you get the opportunity – take it.

Remember Faster, Mark Neale’s MotoGP documentary released in 2003? Neale first followed it up with another racing doc called The Doctor, the Tornado and the Kentucky Kid, and today, yet another follow-up film is premiering in London. It’s called Fastest, and like most of Mark Neale’s moto-productions, it’s narrated by Ewan McGregor. We doubt that any readers here are about to hop on a jet to watch Fastest, but we do hope you’ll get a chance to watch it as soon as possible. But until then, you’ll have to be satisfied with the trailer below. You can also check out the movie’s website here and its Facebook page here.


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