Canadian riders always assume that B.C. is more motorcycle-friendly than the rest of Canada. After all, they get less snow, right?
Maybe the weather is more conducive to two-wheeled transport, but not everything is better in B.C.; for example, compare Vancouver’s parking situation to Toronto’s.
Vancouver city government is making a big deal out of their parking changes for motorcycles; they’re adding 200 parking spaces for bikes by 2012 and offering free parking for electronic scooters. Sounds great eh?
Until, that is, you compare their policy to Toronto, where you can park your motorcycle in any public parking spot any time you want – and you don’t even have to pay. Looks like Vancouver’s still got some catching up to do…
@ Wil, I’m from Van, and I do that too sometimes, but I’m always worried that some dolt will back into my bike when they leave the space. I once had someone back into my parked bike in a supermarket parking lot, and it was properly parked in the middle of a normal space. I came out just after it had happened, and the damage was extensive. More proof that a lot of drivers just don’t see us. The best thing Vancouver could do for us would be to educate its myriad bad drivers to LOOK where they’re going.
When I’m in Van, I just park in the narrow space that’s always left between two vehicles at a meter. Never had a ticket yet (touch wood).
Free and not sneaky sounds so much better, tho. But I’m still not moving back to Ontario!