Town by town, province by province, politicians across the country are lining up to fight motorcycle noise. Now, a councillor from London, Ontario is looking to jump on the coast-to-coast crackdown bandwagon.
The London Free Press tells us that councillor Judy Bryant’s constituents have been asking her to do something about loud motorcycles. She’s responsible for the city’s downtown area, where loud pipes typically are the most noticeable.
The Free Press says she’s asked her staff to look at the problem and review the existing noise bylaw to see what can be done – and the local Harley Owners Group isn’t too happy. While Wade Fraser, London’s HOG assistant director, admits open-piped bikes can be obnoxious, he’s worried a crackdown would unfairly penalize all motorcycles – and of course, he says that loud pipes save lives.
London isn’t the first Ontario municipality to look for ways to battle bike noise. The town of Caledon addressed the problem last fall with a bylaw restricting motorcycle decibel levels.
Loud pipes don’t save lives. They rupture my ear drums.
To all open pipe Harely Davidson riding people – piss off you fools.
Take your bikes to the racetrack and annoy the fuck out of each other there.
You’re so god damn annoying.
If you even think about revving your engine beside me – I call the police with your plate number.
Enough is enough – it’s time to put these idiots in their place.
How bout dirt bikes i hope they arent going to penalize me for my dirt bike its loud and has an aftermarket pipe to.
You know, in this town, my e bike gets me talking with community. Harleys and look alikes cruise by, at 20 mph, with open pipes – these guys are all 50 something! What is up with that? So dinosaurus like, oil noise petrol like bound to me. They can’t talk to people doing like that! Just a thought on things happening today. Your friendly neighborhood Spike.
“…open-piped bikes can be obnoxious…”
“…he says that loud pipes save lives.”
There, now I can actually read it.
My hypocrite filter was turned on, all I was getting was blank text.