Last month we told you about Canada’s Pyle brothers, who set a world record in 2010 for their epic ride around the perimeter of China. If you live in Toronto and want to know more about Colin and Ryan’s unprecedented journey, show up at the Innis Town Hall at 6:30 p.m. on April 15.
That’s when Ryan Pyle delivers a lecture, followed by a question and answer period and informal reception. Don’t expect the talk to be all motorcycles, motorcycles, motorcycles; the event is part of Asian Heritage Month and is sponsored by the University of Toronto’s Asian Institute and the Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival.
So be prepared for discussion about Chinese culture and Ryan’s photography career, and the challenges of filming their ride – just the sort of information that could be useful for an ambitious rider planning an international trip.

For more information, contact Lian Hall.
‘delivers a lecture’ ….. sounds very boring.
Was that really written by CMG staff?
Now if it was Gomer Pyle ..I might consider attending