The registration for the 2011 Mad Bastard Scooter Rally is now officially open!
To ensure that the smaller scoots get the first shot at registering we are doing a staggered format by class, as follows:
1st March 2011: Less than 50 cc (Straight Jacket Class)
8th March 2011: 50 cc or less than 100 cc (Heavily Medicated Class)
15th March 2011: 100 cc or less than 200 cc (Therapy Required Class)
22nd March 2011: More than 200 cc (Day Release Class) & motorcycles under 200cc (Guest Class)
Please note that the registration form is set up to only accept each class after 8:00 AM EST on that day.
Mad Bastards, start your engines!
I’ve already begun talking to myself and doing odd, random twitching every once in a while – just to prepare myself for going utterly mad.
Though, strangely enough, none of my loved ones appears to have noticed the difference.
Fear not my friends, your Superhero will be there to defend you all … with particular attention paid to all fair maidens in dis-dress (sorry).
Scooterman :grin
Whooo Hoooo! Let the madness begin!! :p