According to news reports coming from sources in India, Harley-Davidson will be manufacturing motorcycles in that country – from scratch. 

You may not think that’s a big deal because the company has been assembling bikes in Brazil for years, but think again.
The Brazilian factory simply fits together complete knock-down kits – entire parts kits from the U.S. that simply need to be bolted together once they arrive in-country.
That was the original plan for the future plant, to be built in Haryana, India, but and are reporting that Harley-Davidson will be upgrading the plant to manufacture bikes from the ground up.
Not only will this get around a heap of nasty import taxes, bringing prices down for Indian consumers by about 40 per cent, but lower manufacturing costs will also enable H-D to sell their cruisers at a lower price in other developing Asian markets.

The Royal Enfields are notorious for their bad quality even in India. But other Indian motor companies actually make better products than the Japanese. The TVS Jupiter for example is of much higher quality than any Japanese motor in it’s segment.
The Pulsar 200NS, priced almost at half the price of CBR250, is at par with the baby Ceeber’s quality. 200NS has 24bhp compared to CBR250’s 26bhp.
Don’t knock India folks, they’re emerging along with the Chinese.
The two nations have incredible work ethics and they are very smart people, though perhaps some of their H&S, labour laws and environmental may not be to the same standards as N/A.
I’m a proud Canadian, and I know we have good talent here as well as the States, but let’s not fool ourselves. We have to step-up our game to remain competetive on a global level. I know there are a lot of union folks ou there, but let’s face it. Do you think making nearly six-figures (or more)to work on a line is fair compared to non-union labour wages with much more education, responsibility and accountability? The gig is up.
I’d start worrying if/when the motor company starts bringing these Indian-made bikes into North America. If Enfield is any indication of sub-continent quality control there are going to be a few warranty claims.
On the other hand, Tata does a good job of building stuff (or at least owning stuff) so we all might be pleasantly surprised.
Blackie’s Evil Twin: I read and comprehend just fine. But like everything else in life, you have to read between the lines and not just take what you’re told at face value.
You guys have trouble with reading comprehension? :)…”Not only will this get around a heap of nasty import taxes….”
That’s the reason for moving production to India.
^^^^ But they just got concessions from the union at at least one of their plants to limit new hires to part-time and $16(and change)an hour. But the wages there will still be cheaper long term. Is it just me, or was Harley not vowing to never do this a few months ago?LOL Even though everyone knew it was only a matter of time.
Harley starts its full-time production employees at thirty dollars per hour in the states so it makes perfect economic sense for them to build their bikes from the ground up offshore. However, it also begs the question: Why not move all production offshore?
maybe india will buy h-d like they did with royal enfield. i cant wait, be still my gentle heart.
this might work
going down the road¤t=092cambomovn.jpg
Go to throw in my usual rant about cvt scooters, not even ladyboys ride those things.
Laugh all you want on the cliche “family on a 50cc” but that is where the money is going to be… So not only does Asia get the smaller displacment bikes that they use for cheap daily transport, now they can play full time Pirate as well.. N/A is loosing everything it seems. Jobs, manufacturing, status to the new economic power players…
Pretty soon in the future when this factory is up and running your Indian Dyna Low Bob, Sporty, FXRSTYWTY will be way cheaper to make but the import fees and tariffs should keep the prices around the same as now..
If you’re one in million in India, there re 1,200 just like you.
Go HD, to where the money is…
I can’t wait for the first pictures of an Ultraglide with Mom, Pop, Ganny & Granpa, 6 kids, 14 cousins, a set of golf clubs, 2 bags of rice, a water buffalo and a cricket bat.