Could loud pipes soon be outlawed in New Brunswick?

 They could be if Bathurst town council has their way.
According to local radio station MAX 104.9 FM, town council in the northern New Brunswick municipality has had it with noisy bikers shattering the neighbourhood peace and quiet, and they’re ready to take action.
Not only are they considering a local bylaw to crack down on open exhausts, they’re hoping to get other towns on board to help create provincial legislation against noisy bikes.
The city of Edmonton has already written a bylaw to fight loud motorcycles, and now Bathurst may follow suit. Although no details have yet been released, councillor Graham Wiseman suggested that the bylaw would allow police to somehow check the sound level of motorcycle exhaust systems and ticket offenders.
Keep your exhausts tuned… literally.
when some old blind assholes start looking for bikes ill quietin down untill then your going to hear me lots
On a semi-related note, West Coast Choppers is vacant and the doors area chained shut. JJ skedaddled to Austin TX. Way overdue.
its about time these laws were put in place, get rid of these noise machines, making noise dosnt make them faster/better, just very annoying to the rest of the public.. “BAN ALL LOUD PIPES”.
Well, it looks like Edmonton’s bylaw is in trouble…
It’s possible all the tickets will need to be refunded.
In CA they mandated epa approved mufflers. Call your dealer to compare OE mufflers with aftermarket ones. They say it’s too difficult to put a decible meter in patrol cars, yet they have radar guns, breathalyzers, and laptops in the cars.
They should take notes from Caledon, ON, which introduced a sound limit last year. The manner in which they did so includes a testing standard, so there are very few fuzzy edges to the legislation.
And Rob, I hope that you’re pronouncing it “Badderst” like a local, by now 😉
I would hope that Bubba here manages to find a way to … FUCK OFF.
What they really need is a noise bylaw for all the loud and obnoxious french people!