SAAQ in talks


Quebec looking better.

hope for a better insurance deal for Quebec motorcyclists.

what is being called
an historic meeting between Quebec’s minister of transport, Julie
Boulet, the SAAQ and the Front
Commun Motocycliste, an umbrella group representing three
Quebec-based motorcycle associations (CAPM, FMQ and Movement
Escargot), an agreement has been reached in which the SAAQ will
review its current motorcycle licensing rate plan, of which health
insurance coverage constitutes the biggest cost.

panel will be created to look into the SAAQ’s current approach to
pricing, including its current categorization of motorcycles by their
risk factor.

panel will also be formed to study road safety specifically aimed at
motorcycles, with the goal of improving safety and eventually
reducing insurance costs. These studies are to begin this summer.

the last two years licensing costs for Quebec riders have increased
from $320 annually to $627 for "regular" motorcycles and $1,410
for motorcycles that are considered "high-risk" (sport bikes).

Commun Motocycliste is pleased with the outcome of the talks,
claiming that "for
the first time ever, the Minister of Transport and the SAAQ publicly
announce their commitment to motorcyclists."

protest ride scheduled for June 12 was cancelled due to these


  1. There’s really a group called, “Movement Escargot?” Really?

    I’d also like to ask where the MCC and MMIC are in this nation-wide insurance extortion business? You’d think they’d have a vested interest in seeing outrageous insurance premiums lowered so the industry could, oh I don’t know… SELL MORE MOTORCYCLES!!

  2. 😕

    So… Depending on how this goes, would you see it working in other jurisdictions?

    Why won’t they consider that the style of bike is irrelevant, it’s how it is ridden. Who, not what…

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