Welcome to Slant!

Well, welcome to the CMG homepage version 5 … or 6 … or 5.5 or whatever it is now, which includes a new section called On The Side.


Well, welcome to the CMG homepage version 5 … or 6 … or 5.5 or whatever it is now, which includes a new section called On The Side.

As the name suggests, OTS is intended to house articles that aren’t quite Features but are a little too big to be considered news items either. To use a food analogy, the Daily News are your finger foods, the Main Feature is your Beef Tenderloin (or Vege Lasagne for myself) and the On The Side are your mashed spuds, braised kale, snow peas and baby greens.

So just what sides are we serving up on the CMG menu? Well you’re reading the first one: a new editorial section called Slant. It dawned on us the other day that we actually have quite a wealth of motorcycle knowledge and experience amongst all the CMG staff, and it seemed a bit silly that we weren’t tapping into that in the form of editorials.

Thus the new Slant.

But as you’ve no doubt noticed, Slant isn’t the only culinary delight to be found On The Side. We thought it might be clever to move some of the more feature-like news regulars into it too, including Friday Fudge, Any Questions as well as the Product Tests (which will be renamed Moto Gear), thereby giving them the greater prominence we think they deserve. I’m sure there will be some more categories to come, but let’s not pile up yer plate too high to start.

So just what do we want Slant to be? Well, mostly it’ll likely be the grandiose loud mouths of CMG telling you what’s what in the world of Canadian Motorcycling, though we’d also like to get the occasional editorial from our grandiose, loud mouthed readers too.

So if you’ve got something to say that’s motorcycle related, be it rant or sermon or just plain funny, drop us a line  and we’ll do our best to get it into this section – though we can’t make any promises as sadly, some people can’t actually string a sentence together (not you of course) though we’ll gladly forward all such submissions to Cycle Canada.

So there you have it, a positive CMG feast. A melange of gastronomical delights … a smorgasboard of gruel and tapioca, … the fish and chips of motorcycles! Just don’t blame us if you get heartburn, or the trots, ’cause we’re the greasy spoon of motorcycle mags and we don’t claim to be no cordon bleu!

Now that you’ve digested all that, could I possibly interest you in a wafer thin mint?

Editor ‘Arris


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