Perrin takes steps


Perrin and wife Moe shortly after the crash

Six months after suffering a paralyzing injury at Mosport Raceway, Richard Perrin has real hope that he’ll be able to walk again. He took his first steps recently at the Ottawa Rehabilitation Centre following months of effort.

Perrin, an occasional contributor to CMG, crashed his GS1000 Suzuki at Mosport in a Vintage Road Racing Association event last August after the bike went into a speed wobble at about 160 km/h. He hit a wall, damaging his spinal cord. He was essentially paralyzed from the mid-chest area down, though he was able to wiggle the big toe of his left foot.

Though it was difficult, he maintained a positive attitude and worked hard at rehabilitation, and over time he began to develop muscle control in his left leg. Recently, with a shoulder harness supporting him and a brace on his leg, Perrin took the first of what he hopes will be many steps toward independent movement. With his wife Maureen and children Audrey and Amelia watching, he walked the length of a set of parallel bars.

A long article in the Ottawa Citizen describes Richard Perrin’s progress, and Richard narrates an accompanying video.


  1. You’d think that with the bravery and internal fortitude a guy like this has shown, that we as a community could chip in to give him something more CMG-like to wear when his photo gets taken. To whom can I send cash?

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