Q&A with Canada's Dakarist


Pat awaits your questions …
Photo: honda-dakar-rally.com

If you were following the trials and tribulations of the recent Dakar Rally on the pages of CMG, then you should be tickled pink (and maybe even a deep red) to know that we’ve been in touch with Pat Trahan — the only Canadian to finish this year’s rally — and he’s good to do an interview with CMG.

As per usual, we’d like to do a mix of our own questions as well as those from our readership, so if you have something that you’d like to ask Pat about his endeavours in South America, please email us.

We’ve changed our scheduled posting of the article by a week, so you have until the end of 5th Feb (Friday) to get any more quesions in. Thanks in advance!


  1. If you can’t wait for the CMG interview, you can read about Patrick [url=http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-drive/new-cars/motorcycles/montrealer-hopes-third-time-will-be-the-charm/article1415639/]here [/url]and [url=http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-drive/new-cars/motorcycles/hell-on-two-wheels/article1438548/]here[/url].

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