Rider map for Scots


Replaces older roadmap

Motorcyclists in Scotland have a new weapon in their safety scabbard, thanks to local police, fire-and-rescue services, and politicians.

A co-operative effort has produced an "Around the Corner" motorcycle safety map, which details hazards in the local roadways around Perth and Kinross, such as dips and sharp curves, livestock crossings, and areas where riders who go off the road are likely to land in hard foliage or fences.

The safety maps also note fuel and rider-friendly rest stops as well as "safety camera" sites.

The maps will be made available to riders at the Perth Motorcycles showroom on Saturday. Riders will also be able to see the safety camera Commander system and talk with police riders and camera teckies.


  1. Its aboot tiime. An dene give me that shite aboot safety cameras. Its aboot getting inta ma wallet. Na bean don chat gun lamhainn

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