The highways and byways of Canada, the United States, and many other countries will be flooded with motorcycles today, as commuters prove that two-wheels make better travel on Ride To Work Day 2009.
It was Andy Goldfine, the founder of Aerostich, who started the program 18 years ago, and as the number of motorcycles in private ownership has risen, so has the popularity of riding to work on one day a year.
"According to the United States Census Bureau and the Department of Transportation, over eighty million cars and light trucks are used for daily commuting on American roads, and about 200,000 motorcycles and scooters are a regular part of this mix. On Ride To Work Day, the practical side of riding becomes more visible as a larger number of Americas 8,000,000 cycles are ridden to work," says a Ride To Work Day press release.
Ride on over to for more on this important occasion.
It should be promoted with a “heads-up” to all riders at least two days prior, so we can at least arrange day-care/school pick-ups for the kids by the significant other, appointments and other errands away to clear the day so we can take the bike in for the planned day.
Also notifying late on a Friday isn’t the best time either, as I missed it anyway as I was at the …ahem…golf course and not checking any messages or webpages!
Yes it would be nice to find out before I get to the office that I should have taken the better way. Perhaps putting the notice out on Friday before the ride day would help
Of course the other option to dep sixing it is to actually advertise it so as to get the support out. Reading about it on the evening of the day is a little like reading what the weather was like after the picnic.
After 18 years this thing has still not made an impact? I only hear about it each year after it has come and gone. Perhaps it’s time to give it the deep six.
What if you work at home?
Sadly, I saw no more motorcycles on the road today on my commute (via bicycle) than I do on any other day. Bummer. Must be the 100F temperatures here in Texas…
Wait… you mean we’re only supposed to ride our bikes to work ONE day each year? 😡
After all the trouble organizing the CMG Bewdley Ride I can understand why you chose to wait til the last moment to spring this little bit of news .
That way without the membership even knowing, they might have actually rode their bikes to work today!
You are so wise to use this diabolical trick.
That way they didn’t have any time to make up an excuse not to ride. Well done CMG !