Motorcyclist survives 250-foot drop off cliff: Video

From the 24-hour American news cycle, here’s an amazing clip of a rider who survived a 250-foot drop off a California cliff.

While running into a tree wouldn’t naturally be considered good luck, it was probably the branches that stopped Matthew Murray from even more serious injuries or death after he flew off the cliffside.

As it is, Murray ended up with a broken back and collarbone and punctured lung, somehow managing to climb the cliff for help after his crash. Is he lucky to survive, or unlucky for crashing in the first place? Either way, he’s a tough bugger to be able to make that climb while severely injured.


  1. “He thinks the bike’s steering locked up and forced him to lose control…”

    “… this corner wasn’t even sharp and I was only doing, like, 40 miles an hour…”

    What an absolute tool. He passed a sign clearly indicating a hard left and recommended speed of 25 mph, yet hit a peak speed of 68 mph just before the turn. Upon reaching the turn, it appears that he came to his senses and tried to trail brake hard, forcing the bike upright and sending him flying over the edge.

    Like most crashes, the only part at fault was the nut between the seat and handlebars.

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