Richard Hammond banged up in bike crash filming for The Grand Tour

Television presenter Richard Hammond has crashed a motorcycle while filming an episode for his new TV show, The Grand Tour.

While rumours were flying at first, Hammond says he’s fine (he’s the chap on the far right in the photo, in case you didn’t know). The crash was reported to leave him laying unconscious in the middle of the road. However, it sounds as if Hammond is back in business with co-presenters James May and Jeremy Clarkson, unlike the time he wrecked a Vampire drag car. while he was working with Top Gear. See, motorcycles aren’t really that unsafe after all!

Hammond’s crash happened in Mozambique, and the showrunners are keeping the details quiet until the episode airs – no point in ruining the story, after all.


  1. Anyone who has seen footage of his jet dragster crash knows that Hammond is both lucky and tough. He’s also a committed motorcycle rider and very entertaining. I’m glad he’s OK.

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