Video: Road rage ends badly for crabby cager

We’ve seen a couple versions of this video floating around the interwebz this week, supposedly of a recent incident in Yuma, Arizona, with a road-ragin’ cager vs. a rider and pillion.

From what we can see and hear, it sounds as if the motorcyclist passed this car driver somewhere, possibly in a lane-splitting case. The cager wasn’t happy (reports indicate he felt he had been cut off), and decided to run up to the motorcyclist at a stop, swinging fists and pushing the rider’s girlfriend around (she was riding pillion), and then grappling with the motorcyclist.

It didn’t take long for the rider to pin him to the pavement, whereupon the cager was very concerned that everyone calm down. Turns out that he was the only individual interested in violence in the first place. According to the description, he’s facing charges from the police; they’re investigating the possibility he might have been under the influence of illegal substances when the incident occurred. Maybe that would explain why he was stupid enough to punch a helmet?


  1. The biker showed remarkable restraint!!! It I was in his position, I probably would have punched the cager in the mouth a couple of times, and then given him full-helmet head butt!! Yah, I know that wouldn’t be “cool”, but when some A-hole assaults me and my companion with no reason, “coolness” flies out the window!!!

  2. While the cager was lucky that the motorcyclist wasn’t packing heat the motorcyclist is also lucky the cager wasn’t armed, which in a car is a lot easier to access and carry.

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