Friday Fudge

Welcome to Friday Fudge. If it’s weird, funny, or strange motorcycle news, or it just plain won’t fit anywhere else on the site – you’ll find it here.

Sidecar stupidity

Years ago, the first time I saw a Ural sidecar rig, it was in a promotional video. In an effort to show the machine’s capabilities to prospective military clients, Ural put a soldier on the bike, threw another in the sidecar, bolted on a machine gun, and showed the rig flying around off-road. You can see a copy here.

As much mad fun as the commercial was, it bordered on the unbelievable when it showed the heavy rig nailing a massive jump off a big hill. Yeah right.

Except, never underestimate the derring-do of a drunk Russian. Watch the video below.

Two-up terror

We’re not sure what it is about Russians, but it’s not just sidecars that cause trouble for them. Simply carrying a pillion has its problems too.

A serious drag

Motorcycle racing can always be dangerous, but you don’t usually expect to end up in the weeds if you’re drag racing. Except, that’s what happened to Pro Stock racer Angie Smith last week — literally. Thankfully, she wasn’t hurt when her brakes failed.

A gab grab

Is this the view inside the Cape Town police HQ’s lockup?

Here in Friday Fudge, we’ve told you before about make-believe cellphone-grabbing vigilantes. Well, it seems police in Cape Town, South Africa heard about this plan and embarked on their own similar campaign.

Apparently, the boys in blue are apprehending cagers who are yakking on their cell phones, and taking their phones away. The motorists are allowed to keep their SIM cards and memory cards, but they can’t get the handset back for 24 hours, when they can pick it up at their local cop shop.

Of course, if a motorist has a back-up phone, they can just switch over to that. But with the growing reliance on cellphones these days, this is a brilliant idea. It’s just too bad they can’t take their cars away too.

Story source: Bikes in the Fast Lane

Stormtroopers run wild

What does a Stormtrooper do when he has a vacation off the Death Star? Well, it’s a prime opportunity to throw the dirt bike on a trailer and head for Death Valley (or maybe Tatooine) instead!

Wrenching in Toyland

At least she isn’t wearing a T-shirt that says “Ride to Live.” Photo: Lego

It doesn’t matter how old you are, Lego is cool (he said, dogmatically). No really, it is. But what’s even more cool is this Lego set that Larry Friedman is proposing to the toy company’s bigwigs.

Friedman has entered this set in a contest (more details here) to see if the toymaking giant will actually sell it.

It’s certainly more complicated than a lot of the lower-priced Lego sets of the past – it features a three-floor shop with a garage on the first floor, complete with tools. There retail space in the rest of the shop, including Dainese suits for sale. To top it all, the shop manager is a woman.

Will Lego make this set available for sale? It’d be great if they did – it could even add new meaning to the term “brick and mortar shop.” Well, you might have to add the mortar yourself.

Story source: Hell for Leather


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