Vancouver's MotoMethod story

Build a motorcycle repair shop, fix motorcycles AND let your customers fix their own bikes too. Vancouver’s MotoMethod saw the possibilities and Zenga Bros decided to make a beauty of a short film about them. Enjoy.

The Motomethod Story from Zenga Bros on Vimeo.


  1. I know a shop owner that had a coffee/social center in his shop and could not make any money. He closed the shop except for Sat. with service by apiontment only and said he finaly could get work done.
    I also wonder how they get by the B.C. Workmans Compensation Rules reguarding customers in the work shop aria.
    Sound like a cool place to hang out though.

  2. Read about this on Pipeburn earlier today.  Great idea.  Awesome work guys – wishing you nothing bust success growing the motorcycle community the right way

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