CMG News Version 2.2

cmg-stuff.jpgAfter the reader feedback on the new CMG News format (thank you BTW), we’ve done some of the following updates to the news:

1) Latest News – Once you’re in and reading an article, you can short cut to any of the more recent news items using a handy new menu located on the right-hand-side, thus saving you having to go back to the news homepage in order to get to the next news item.

2) Printing – we fixed a bug in printing which would show the text as white … on a white background. The text is now black, on a black background … no, I mean white background.

3) Comments – Okay, so nobody asked for this, but we thought it was a cool idea. You can now add comments to the end of any news items. We thought this would be particularly handy for any Emailbag questions so that the readership can add their two cents to any quandary posed.

4) RSS Feed – and why not? Sign up to the new RSS feed and get news updates to your computer as they’re posted.

Please continue to post/email any other comments that you may have so that we can continue to improve the CMG News. Hey, you can now actually add comments directly to this item. Cool eh? 


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